Freelance Falcon ~ Weird Jhola-Chhap thing ~ ज़हन

Friday, December 28, 2012

Chali Gayi Wo!

Brave girl "Damini" dies, a black day for Delhi-India. :(

 ...Chali gayi wo,
Wahan jahan uski khoobsurat surat si sabki seerat hogi...
Jahan bayano par bhadakne waali,
Anjaamo par tadapne waali bheed nahi hogi...

Yahan insaaf se pehle jaane kitni darkhwast lagani padti..
Seedhe khuda tak apni arzi lekar chali gayi wo...

Rakho apni nam aankhen apne paas...
Surkh daaman...aur num zehan lekar chali gayi wo...

Rishton ki dor se upar rutbe-rob ki daud hoti hai...
Ruthe jazbato par jahan rukhi rajneeti hoti hai...
.....iss jahan ko aasma mey chali gayi wo...


:( Maaf kar dena sister kuch bas mey nahi hai...koshish karunga ki jald hi us sthiti mey aa paun ki kuch kar paun.

Image - mrpshow (DA)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thank You! :)

I would like to thank everyone for, feedback, motivation (& love) they have given me over the years...These 3 exclusive search suggestions with my pseudonyms/pen names are the proof of your love. 

Thank you! May God Bless you all!!!! :)

- Mohit Sharma (Trendster / Trendy Baba) 

Indi Horror Series (2013)

Indi Horror Comic Series, I am collaborating with different artists Anubhav Rakesh, Kuldeep Babbar, Prakash Bhalavi and Ashish Khare. For the first stage we are working on 4 comics (artwork for 2 comics is complete) and...lets see...

Mohit Sharma (Trendy Baba)

Friday, November 30, 2012

Trendy Baba Series (4 More Books Added)

Compiled few of my old works in categories and published 4 more Books under "Trendy Baba Series". :)

*) - Book 2 [Inspector Steel : Trendy Baba Series], Cover by Sourabh.

*) - Book 3 [Shakti : Trendy Baba Series]

*) - Book 4 [Fighter Toads : Trendy Baba Series]

*) Book 5 [Gamraj : Trendy Baba Series]

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

पान की पीक को खून मत समझो!! Madam!!

"अरे-अरे मै रो नहीं रहा हूँ...हाथ हटाओ, आपका रुमाल गंदा हो जायेगा...."

कुछ लोगो को तो पब्लिक मे आना ही चाहिये. दुनिया का दर्द उनके लिए नहीं बना है. जब वो दुनिया देखते है या तो वो सच्चाई को नकार कर आगे बढ़ जाते है.....

"हाँ जी, मैडम...आँखें ठीक है मेरी बिलकुल. सब दिख रहा है. वो दूर से पठानी सूट मे गोलू सा बच्चा आ रहा है."

....या बहुत  परेशान हो जाते है. अब ये मैडम पांच मिनट्स से मेरे लिये रोनी सी सूरत बनायें है....और बार-बार मेरा हाल पूछ रहीं है.

"ऐसा होता रहता है, आप चिंता मत करो. मै एकदम चंगा हूँ."

पर अब जो ये कर रहीं है वो मुझे नहीं पसंद. इन लोगो को लगता क्या है 2 मिनट की हमदर्दी रोज़ का दर्द मिटा देगी? अपने मन को तस्सल्ली देने के लिये और शायद आगे कभी अपनी महानता की गाथा गाने के लिये किसी को पकड़ लो और उसको एहसास करवाओ की वो कितना मजबूर और अभागा है....जो चीज़ें और बातें इनके लिये यूँ ही है वो हमारे लिये कोई वरदान सरीखी है.

"कोई नहीं मैडम...ये खून नहीं है, पान की पीक है...मुझे मारने नहीं, अपने संगी-साथियों के साथ सिगरेट पीने उतरा था वो आदमी, उसे जल्दी मची थी और मेरे हेन्जी क्राफ्टस और खिलौने  नहीं देखने थे...मैंने शायद दिखाने मे ज़बरदस्ती सी कर दी तो उसने झुँझल मे आकर मेरे मुँह पर थूक दिया और एक थप्पड़ मारा बस..अभी बिज्नज का टाइम है, ये सब तो चलता रहता है...नहीं! ये मत करो आप. रहने दो...ये हेन्जी क्राफ्ट्स..."


"...जो भी है मै ये सारे खिलौने और हेन्जी...हांड़ीक्राफ्ट्स आपको नहीं बेचूँगा...भीख नहीं चाहिये..."

ये तो मान ही नहीं रहीं. घर के काम आया, नौकर कर देते है, ओहो! कितना फालतू समय रहता है इनके पास. 

"मना कर रहा हूँ ना...नहीं बेचने. अरे..भप! भागो यहाँ से...%^$%@*&#$&#!*^#%...."


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pagli Vichar Promotion Series

Fiction Comics team started "Pagli Vichar" promotion Series....with me. :) Mai hun hi Pagal jo is character ki frequency mujh se mil hi jaati hai. - Mohit (Trendy Baba)

i) - 

"मौत को सामने देखकर लोग पागलो जैसी अजीब हरकतें करते है....और दुनिया मुझे पगली कहती है...ही ही ही!!"

ii) - 

"मुझसे डरे हुए लोग माफ़ी मांगते है की दोबारा कभी गलत काम नहीं करेंगे...पर वो एक बार मे ही इतना गलत कर चुके होते है की मेरे हाथों उनका मरना तो बनता है. ही ही ही!"

 with Artist Mr. Raj (Seedhi Baat No Bakwaas)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pagli (Fiction Comics) Promotional Writeups, Dialogues

Working with the Fiction Comics Team on the promotion of their upcoming Horror series Pagli. More ads coming soon....

Ad # 1

                            "छुप्पन छुप्पाई खेलें छुप्पन छुप्पाई....
                             टेडी मेरे भाई खेलें...छुप्पन छुप्पाई...

                             तम तीनो ने जो एक लड़के पर गाडी चढ़ाई..
                             सोचा तस्सल्ली मे दुनिया न देख पाई...
                             पगली पीछे आई...देखो पगली पीछे आई...
                              छुप्पन छुप्पाई खेलें छुप्पन छुप्पाई...."

Ad # 2

"गुस्सा नहीं करते, सॉरी बाबू....आने मे देर हो गयी और तुम्हारी सौतेली मम्मा जी तुमको मार दिया...रास्ते मे कुछ अंकल लोग मिल गये थे, उन्होंने ना देरी करवा दी. गंदे अंकल कहीं के! अरे सॉरी बोल रहीं हूँ ना..दूकान वाली बूढी अम्मा ने बोला है की बारिश मे भीगने से सर्दी लग जाती है...अब उठ भी जाओ....उठक-बैठक लगाऊ क्या? तुम्हारी गंदी मम्मी को को भी पनिशमेंट दे दूंगी प्रोमिस...मुर्गा..सॉरी..सॉरी मुर्गी बना दूंगी..ही ही ही....ओके मुझसे कट्टी है मान लिया पर टेडी से तो हैण्ड शेक कर लो...उस से बात करो लो...पगली दीदी की बात मान लो प्लीज्...."

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

मेरी आज़ादी का रुआब! (Tibet's Non-Violent Struggle)

Self-immolation earlier today in Tibet. This photo shows 58 year old Dorjee Rinchen who had self-immolated near Labrang Monastery, calling for freedom in Tibet and return of the Dalai Lama. Dorjee Rinchen is the 6th person to have self-immolated in this month alone. Faced with unendurable conditions, Tibetans continue to light themselves on fire as their only means of protest - getting arrested and enduring years of torture in jail not being considered a viable alternative. More than fifty have done so in recent months.

I dedicate this poem to Non-Violent Struggle of the Tibetan People.....

दौर को चंद बातों से लाँघने की बिसात...
खुद मे धूल और चिंगारी समेटे वो किताब..
बंद हाथो की मुट्ठी मे वो ख्वाब...
आ छीन मुझसे मेरी आज़ादी का रुआब!! 

मेरे दिल की लौ से चिढती जो ये रात..
मारा गया जो नहीं चला खूनी कारवाँ के साथ...

कारवाँ से अलग अपने आशिएं मे है एक जिंदा लाश...
तेरा निज़ाम नहीं फ़ब्ता उसे, ओ नवाब..
आ छीन मुझसे मेरी आज़ादी का रुआब!!

जंग तुझसे नहीं तेरे खयालो से है...
बात मेरे ज़हन मे जलते सवालो
से है...
गलत होकर भी सही ठहराये गये जवाबो से है...
जिनके पीछे रहकर तू राज करता उन हिजाबो से है...

अपने लोगो
की झुकी आँखों मे झाँक...उनमे...
...ज़ालिम तेरा अक्स नहीं...
....दिखेगा तुझे...मेरी आज़ादी का रुआब!!

शुक्रिया भी अदा करना है तेरा...
तेरे कायदों की कैद ने ही सिखाया असल जेहाद...

तेरी बंदिशें नाकाफी रहीं.. ..
मेरी आँखें तो कब से खुला आसमाँ देख रहीं...

कभी इस आसमाँ के नीचे हटेगा तेरा संगदिल नकाब...
तब फुर्सत मे देखना...मेरी आज़ादी का रुआब!!

तेरे फ़रेबो से बड़ा...
फितरत से बुजदिल सदा..
हर मौसम मे मनहूस खड़ा..
तेरी हर बुराई पर भारी
ढीट है यह....मेरी आज़ादी का रुआब!!

- Mohit Sharma (Trendster/Trendy Baba)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Renewable Energy Power Projects for Rural Electrification (Book)

One of my research..non-fic works. This is redacted-edited research report with some of the information removed. It covers the rural electrification with renewable based power projects. Available on Minus, Pothi, ISSUU, Scribd, etc and allied networks. 

Short description

Renewable Energy Power Projects backed by different government schemes like Decentralized Distributed Generation(DDG), RGGVY, Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission etc for Rural Electrification in India by private companies. As India is heterogeneously mixed in every aspect the feasibility, profit, power generated-demanded differs from region to region and from one renewable source to another.

Extended description

As demand for energy is increasing around the world & in India, there is a positive growth trend coming in the renewable energy sector also. There are many rural and remote areas which are energy deficient.

Private companies are encouraged by Government creating opportunities by various governmental schemes like Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna, Distributed Decentralized Generation and support in finance, distribution, technology, land, etc. As every area has its dynamics and differs from others in terms of topography, density of population and energy needs, there is a need of study for specific features related to a region (like a cluster of 19 villages in Gaya, Bihar requiring about 750kw Plant studied here) with the help of surveys, financial tools and earlier standards. Other renewable sources and areas are also covered in the book. The confidential information is edited-redacted.

Smashwords -

Pothi -

Minus -

Scribd -

ISBN: 9781476449579
Publisher: Freelance Talents

- Mohit Sharma(Trendy Baba)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Long Live Inquilab! (Book)

Freelance Talents in association with ICUFC Comics presents...."Long Live Inquilab!"  Total 34 Pages covering activities by Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA), Indian Freedom Struggle events, Jallianwala Bagh Incident, Sardar, Udham Singh, poetry, fictional scenes and artworks.

(Available - Pothi, Smashwords, ISSUU, Minus, Scribd, Myebook, etc and their allied networks, websites). Download the pdf file instead of online reading for better reading experience.

Pothi -

Scribd -

Sunday, June 17, 2012

*Teaser* Long Live इंक़िलाब (July 2012)

One of my upcoming projects "Long Live इंक़िलाब (Revolution)" coming this July. Jyoti Singh is a talented artist, colors by Abhishek Singh.  

Freelance Talents feat. ICUFC (Indian Comics Universe Fan Club)

- Mohit Sharma (Trendy Baba / Trendster)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Featured Work : "Good Company and Bad Company"

 Alternate version for kids (without racism and easy to understand language) of my story is now on "English for Students" website - Story Link. The story was originally posted on Storywrite, Allpoetry and Raj Comics websites by me. 

Two parrots had built their nest on a banyan tree. The female parrot laid two eggs in the nest. After sometime, the eggs latched. Two chicks came out of them. The parent birds took good care of them. After few weeks, the young birds were able to fly for some distance. 

Every morning the parent birds flew out to fetch food for the young birds. Then they returned in the evening with food for their young children. This was their lives went on for a while. 

A hunter saw this behavior of these birds. He learned that the old birds went out in the morning. He decided to catch the young birds after their parents would go away in the morning. As planned he caught the young birds. The young birds struggled their best to free themselves from the clutches of the hunter. One of the two young parrots escaped from the hunter. The other bird was taken in a cage by the hunter to his house. 

“I caught two parrots, but one of them escaped,” said the hunter to his children and he further added to his children, “Keep this parrot safely in the cage and play with this parrot.” 

The hunter’s children played with the parrot. Very soon the parrot in the house of the hunter learnt to speak few words.

The other parrot flew away. It had escaped from the hunter. It flew for some time. Then it came to a hermitage. Some holy men lived in the hermitage. They did not do any harm to the young parrot. The young parrot stayed there. It listened to their talk. It learnt to say a few words. 

A traveler was walking near the hunter’s hut. He was tired. He sat next to a hut. He heard the parrot speak. “Fool, why have you come here? I will cut your throat.” 

The traveler was very sorry to hear such bad words. He got up immediately and left the place in a hurry. Then he walked for some time and reached the hermitage. The parrot was sitting on a tree near the hermitage. 

The parrot spoke, “Welcome, traveler. Welcome to this hermitage. We have a lot of good fruits in this forest. Eat whatever you like. The holy men will treat you well.” 

The traveler was surprised. He said to the parrot. “I met a young parrot near a hunter’s hut. It spoke badly. I left the place immediately. Now I have met you. You speak so well. Your words are kind and gentle. Both you and the other birds are parrots. Then why this difference in your language is there?” 

By this statement, the parrot in the hermitage guessed that the other parrot was none other than its brother. The hermitage parrot said, “Traveler, the other parrot is my brother. But we have lived in two different places. My brother has learnt the hunter’s language. But I have learnt the language of holy people. It is the company that shapes your words and deeds.” 

Moral - Good company helps you learn good things. Bad company makes you lean bad things.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

रूठी माँ

तेरे मना करने पर..
हाथ छुड़ाया मैंने...
दर्द पड़े जो सहने..
तुझको रुलाया मैंने..
दे चाहे मुझको जो सज़ा...

माना मेरी गलती है...
आँखें मेरी जलती है...
रूठी रहेगी कब तक ये बता..

छूना तेरा फबता है..
भीड़ मे डर लगता है..
संग लगा ले माये...

जादू तेरे हाथो मे..
मधु जो तेरी बातों मे..
नींद न आये माये..
झूला झुला दे माये...

खाऊं मै या मै खेलूँ...
एकटक निहारती तू क्यों..
जैसे मै तुझसे हूँ जुड़ा.. 

छाँव हो या हो धूप..
कितने तेरे जो रूप..
ममता मे तेरी ठंडक...
आँचल मे तेरे रौनक...
साये मे इसके होना मुझे रवां...

जो तू कहे मानूँगा...
तेरी रजा जानूँगा..
बस एक बार फिर से गोद मे ले सुला...


Poet Notes:

i) - Poem from my upcoming story "Maa ka Monologue".

ii) -  क्योकि ये कविता ऐसे विषय पर थी...इसलिए दिमाग पर ज्यादा जोर नहीं देना पड़ा.....और समय भी कम लगा. :)

iii) - Pic Source - 

iv) - 400 Likes on my Facebook Page. Thank you! everyone. :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Wailing Fair of Jalliyanwallah Bagh

Translation of my Hindi poem "भीगी बैसाखी" (on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (Amritsar, 13 April 1919) by Srishti Mudaliar. *Giving me complex* Thank you! Srishti. :)

The Wailing Fair of Jalliyanwallah Bagh
By Mohit Sharma

Translated by: Srishti Mudaliar

Thy deep, dark, black abyss,
That devoured our mother’s kiss,
Selfish, wretch, appareled in red walls,
Jalliyanwallah, thy tyranny with weight upon us falls!!

The chaotic streets of the kids are now vacant,
Blackened the doorsteps the white skinned tyrant.

The patient, nimble, morning ears that heeded to thy voice,
In the evening were silenced and turned cold as ice.

For the freedom to be born their hopes waited for years and more,
To see it alive none succeeded to flee from thy captivity’s door.

A revolt so peaceful, the devil would melt,
The white queen let it honored with the cannon balls pelt.

Seas of the emotions could flood enough with the pain,
In vain were those heavy showers of trickles of rain.

The sleepless insomniac nights restless,
Long and long of nightmares endless.

Under the siege of the curfew the trampled crowd,
Vultures covered their fallen kins before the shroud.

Those waiting to reach the Baisakhi’s tavern,
To their destination would never reach and return.

The woman you jilted was our mother,
Her truth you concealed under thy tanned leather,
Wait for a while if you dare to bother, look how those holes the little hearts smother!!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

भीगी बैसाखी

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (Amritsar, 13 April 1919)

बड़ा गहरा है तेरा कुआँ....
जो गुम हुई इसमे माँ की दुआ...
खुदगर्जी में तूने अपनी दीवारों को लाल कर डाला...
कितना ज़ालिम है तू ओ जलियांवाला...

खेलते बच्चों को किसने गुमसुम कर डाला,
कितना काला है वो गोरी चमड़ी वाला...

सुबह से खड़े थे वो तो तेरे जवाब सुनने के वास्ते,
शाम तक पट गए लाशो से संकरे रास्ते.

आयेंगे वो दिन उसको यकीन था,
दौड़ी चौखट तक...कोई नहीं था.

ऐसा तो न था मासूमो का विरोध,
जो तेरी 'महारानी' ने उन्हें तोहफे मे दिया बारूद.

कम पड़ रहे थे क्या भीगे जज़्बात,
क्यों पड़ने लगी ये बरसात?

पलके कहाँ झपकेंगी,
देखना है कितनी लम्बी होगी ये रात.

ज़ख़्मी बिछड़े अब कहाँ जायेंगे...
तेरे निजाम के कर्फ्यू मे अपनों से पहले लाशो तक गिद्ध, कुत्ते आयेंगे...

उसके मन मे था ये बैसाखी मेला लेकर आयेगी...
अब से वो अभागी कभी बैसाखी नहीं मनायेगी...

तेरी इबारत मे एक माँ ठगी गयी...
सच को दबाकर अपनी बात को तो साबित कर दिया सही...
अरे..रुक कर देख तेरी एक गोली किसी नन्हे से  दिल को भेद गयी...

- Mohit Sharma (Trendy Baba)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

84 Tears available as ebook & Paperback

84 Tears, Historical Fiction & Poetry-Comic on Anti-Sikh Riots, Bhopal Gas Tragedy, 1984 is now available as ebook & print version on Pothi networks. Coming soon with other publishers.

Desi-Pun! - Story Collection by Mohit Sharma

                                                                                  Yo Pun Intended
                                                                         Almost 25 Indiastic Stories

                                                                                - Mohit Sharma

Is available on multiple publishing networks & channels –


*) - Pothi

*) - I Proclaim

*) - Create Space

*) - Dorrance Publishing

*) - Lulu

*) - Cinnamon Teal


*) - Smashwords

*) - Lulu

*) - Pothi

*) - I Proclaim

*) - Cinnamon Teal

*) - Create Space

Soon will be available with few more Publishers.